1:1 Leadership Coaching
I coach a select number of clients privately and within the tech sector who want to be best-in-class leaders in their fields, and deeply satisfied leaders and designers of their lives.
I’ve worked with leaders at all levels, from brand new people managers to the C-Suite. I especially love working with people who are self-reflective, sharp, know what and who they value, and bring a sense of humor to the process (so do I).
You can be anywhere in the world – most of my coaching is done by phone or Zoom.
One we’re both clear on where you are and what you want to move towards as leader, we’ll make fast progress — skipping, imagining, leaping, stumbling, learning our way towards your most fulfilling life.
“Working with Jen has been one of the most transformative experiences I’ve ever had. Jen is encouraging, supportive, has helped me hold myself accountable and, perhaps most powerfully, has helped me figure out the answers for myself.”
You can count on me to:
SHINE A LIGHT on places that may feel surprising or new or even uncomfortable (and sometimes it’s my job to sit with you in the dark)
DISCOVER WITH YOU what you value most in life and work and to help you become as fully aligned with those values as possible
CELEBRATE WHO YOU ARE when you are at your best and remind you of/stand up for that self when you lose sight of it
BE A WITNESS to your growth and learning, a cheerleader, an accountability partner, and a teller of hard truths when you need to hear them
OFFER FRAMEWORKS AND ACTION STEPS that deepen your learning and keep you on purpose
BELIEVE that you hold all your answers, and the keys to your own kingdom
KEEP IT FUN, and authentic, and all about YOU
In return I expect you to:
COMMIT TO THE WORK of your own growth and learning
SPEAK UP for what you need